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Although scientifically speaking winter solstice does not begin until December 21 when the Earth’s North Pole is tilted farthest from the sun (also the shortest day of the year), the first snowfall last week was a reminder that winter as we know it has arrived! And with winter comes snow, ice and cold weather. But before you go running outside to make snowmen and build snow forts, be sure to get your house ready this season. Not only will it help to keep you warm when you come in from the outside, it could keep a bundle of money in your pocket. Use these 7 tips on how to winterize your home on a budget.
While you’re up on that ladder hanging the Christmas lights, be sure to rid those gutters of leaves and debris. Keeping the gutters clean prevents icicles and dams from forming, avoiding potentially dangerous hazards.
Simply programming a thermostat to lower the temperature in the night and when no one is home could save you a bundle! There are plenty of online calculators like this one
that helps you calculate how much you can expect to save by switching to a programmable thermostat. And don’t think you need to spend hundreds of dollars on the WiFi thermostats that you can control with your smartphone. Amazon
has programmable thermostats for under $20!
Simply changing the filters in your furnace and central air system can improve the airflow, thus improving efficiency. Popular Mechanics recommends changing the furnace filter every two months during the winter season to keep it running in tip-top shape. Not only does replacing the filter help to save money by requiring less energy for the furnace to run efficiently, but it could extend the overall life of the furnace.
We are all aware of how ceiling fans help to keep our house cool in the summer. However, many people do not know that reversing the direction of the fan in the winter pushes down the warm air that gathers at the ceiling, keeping the room warmer.
One of the most effective ways to keep the cold air out and the warm are in is to caulk any holes and cracks in the exterior of the house. But don’t stop there. Check for cracks on the inside of the house near doors and windows
Simply hanging heavy curtains goes a long way in helping to keep the cold air out. If that’s not enough, you can apply plastic shrink film to help keep in the warm air that would otherwise escape through the windows.
According to the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), home fires occur more in the winter than in any other season. For this reason, it’s of utmost important to ensure all smoke detectors are working property.
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